
2 Matching Ratings

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Why I retired from the tech crusades

When Ruby on Rails was launched over twenty years ago, I was a twenty-some young programmer convinced that anyone who gave my stack a try would accept its universal superiority for solving The Web Problem. So I pursued the path of the crusade, attempting to convert the unenlightened masses by the edge of a pointed argument. And for a l...

world.hey.com 1,000 words

Rated 2024-06-14T17:21:01-0700 - sethherr

The reality of the Danish fairytale

Denmark has long ranked high on the list of societies that American liberals dream about turning the United States into. And for many good reasons. Education is state-funded, and students are even paid a stipend to go to university. Health care is equally free of individual charge, and there’s generally a robust social safety net for u...

world.hey.com 2,000 words

Rated 2024-01-06T23:17:15-0800 - sethherr