
38 Matching Ratings

Rated Article

Congress Accidentally Legalized Weed Six Years Ago

The Atlantic

Rated 2024-07-30T11:00:32-0700 - sethherr

George Eliot’s Subversive Vision of Marriage

Unlike Jane Austen, the novelist was most interested in what happens after “I do.” #Marriage #United States

2023-09-07T04:00:00-0700 The Atlantic Ann Hulbert ($) 3,000 words

Rated 2023-09-20T08:57:21-0700 - sethherr

The Fourteenth Amendment Fantasy

The Constitution won’t disqualify Trump from running. The only real-world way of stopping him is through the ballot box. #Civil War #United States

2023-08-29T04:30:00-0700 The Atlantic David Frum ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-09-01T18:34:46-0700 - sethherr Rated 2023-08-30T03:30:35-0700 - Jaog

What Happened When Oregon Decriminalized Hard Drugs

A bold reform effort hasn’t gone as planned. #Criminal Justice System #Law Enforcement #Oregon

2023-07-19T07:30:00-0700 The Atlantic Jim Hinch ($) 3,000 words

Rated 2023-08-30T15:28:31-0700 - Jaog Rated 2023-08-01T19:06:40-0700 - sethherr

A Very Public Execution in Russia

A jet plunging out of the sky sends an unmistakable message. #Plane Crash #Vladimir Putin

2023-08-23T14:58:24-0700 The Atlantic Tom Nichols ($) 1,000 words

Rated 2023-08-24T13:20:34-0700 - sethherr

The Anti-California

How Montana performed a housing miracle #Individual People #Montana #San Francisco

2023-08-09T08:02:00-0700 The Atlantic Annie Lowrey ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-08-17T05:17:17-0700 - sethherr

The End of Progressive Elitism?

The Ivy League’s theory of legitimacy is under attack from two directions. #Ivy League #Joe Biden

2023-08-12T04:00:00-0700 The Atlantic Reihan Salam ($) 3,000 words

Rated 2023-08-13T11:56:40-0700 - sethherr

I Was Wrong About Trigger Warnings

Has the national obsession with trauma done real damage to teen girls? #Domestic Violence #Individual People #Mental Health #Mental Illness #Sexual Assault

2023-08-09T04:00:00-0700 The Atlantic Jill Filipovic ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-08-13T11:07:50-0700 - sethherr

The Queasy Liberal Schadenfreude of Watching Trump Wreck DeSantis

The pleasure is tainted, because the likely result is Trump as the Republican nominee—with a real chance of becoming president again. #Donald Trump #Hillary Clinton

2023-08-02T04:30:00-0700 The Atlantic David A. Graham ($) 200 words

Rated 2023-08-03T05:53:02-0700 - Jaog

The Dictator Myth That Refuses to Die

Authoritarians would have you think that they can do certain things better than their counterparts who have to deal with checks, balances, and public opinion. Don’t believe it. #United States

2023-07-26T07:00:00-0700 The Atlantic Brian Klaas ($) 200 words

Rated 2023-07-27T09:43:13-0700 - sethherr Rated 2023-07-26T17:29:22-0700 - Jaog Rated 2023-07-27T09:41:52-0700 - elll

Reclaiming Real American Patriotism

This Fourth of July, let’s rescue our love of country from those who have hijacked it. #New Hampshire #New York #West Virginia

2023-07-04T04:00:00-0700 The Atlantic Tom Nichols ($) 500 words

Rated 2023-07-05T07:48:26-0700 - sethherr Rated 2023-07-04T09:32:34-0700 - Jaog

The Cancer-Drug Shortage Is Different

Fourteen crucial chemotherapies are currently in shortage. Why does this keep happening?

2023-06-26T04:00:00-0700 The Atlantic Ed Yong ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-06-27T23:27:11-0700 - sethherr Rated 2023-06-26T17:05:16-0700 - Jaog

Moneyball Broke Baseball

But now the whiz kids who nearly ruined the national pastime have returned to save it. #New York

2023-06-06T04:00:00-0700 The Atlantic Mark Leibovich ($) 8,000 words

Rated 2023-06-19T23:34:55-0700 - sethherr

The Instant Pot Failed Because It Was a Good Product

A one-hit wonder is never enough. #United States

2023-06-14T15:30:00-0700 The Atlantic Amanda Mull ($) 1,000 words

Rated 2023-06-16T22:21:09-0700 - sethherr

Where Living With Friends Is Still Technically Illegal

Across America, some places still outlaw living with people who aren’t your relatives. #Domestic Violence #Family #High School #Law #New Hampshire

2023-05-22T04:00:00-0700 The Atlantic Michael Waters ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-05-22T14:23:21-0700 - sethherr

Did Scientists Accidentally Invent an Anti-addiction Drug?

People taking Ozempic for weight loss say they have also stopped drinking, smoking, shopping, and even nail biting. #Drugs

2023-05-19T07:37:59-0700 The Atlantic Sarah Zhang ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-05-19T16:53:16-0700 - sethherr

The First Year of AI College Ends in Ruin

There’s an arms race on campus, and professors are losing. #Middle East #Work

2023-05-16T10:28:26-0700 The Atlantic Ian Bogost ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-05-17T08:02:40-0700 - sethherr

The Billion-Dollar Ponzi Scheme That Hooked Warren Buffett and the U.S. Treasury

How a small-town auto mechanic peddling a green-energy breakthrough pulled off a massive scam #High School

2023-05-08T04:00:00-0700 The Atlantic Ariel Sabar 9,000 words

Rated 2023-05-16T01:06:14-0700 - sethherr

We’ve Had a Cheaper, More Potent Ozempic Alternative for Decades

New weight-loss drugs are getting all the hype, but bariatric surgery is still the “gold standard” for treating obesity. #Individual People #Obesity #Surgery

2023-04-25T14:21:00-0700 The Atlantic Yasmin Tayag ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-05-09T07:29:05-0700 - sethherr

When Private Equity Firms Bankrupt Their Own Companies

Private equity firms can succeed when their companies, customers, and employees fail. It’s a broken system.

2023-05-01T04:00:00-0700 The Atlantic Brendan Ballou ($) 3,000 words

Rated 2023-05-02T23:35:44-0700 - sethherr

The Internet Is Just Investment Banking Now

The internet has always financialized our lives. Web3 just makes that explicit.

2022-02-04T08:19:58-0800 The Atlantic Ian Bogost ($) 6,000 words

Rated 2023-04-30T07:21:13-0700 - sethherr

Why We Keep Guns in the House

The Atlantic

Rated 2023-04-25T23:12:39-0700 - sethherr Rated 2023-04-22T22:38:10-0700 - Jaog Rated 2023-04-23T08:30:01-0700 - &e

Fox News Is Bigger Than Any Host

The Atlantic

Rated 2023-04-24T22:16:52-0700 - sethherr Rated 2023-04-24T11:30:24-0700 - Jaog

My Breakfast With a Cranky Chris Christie

The Atlantic

Rated 2023-04-22T07:15:37-0700 - Jaog

The Housing Crisis Is Breaking People’s Brains

#Homelessness #Housing

The Atlantic

Rated 2023-04-19T08:43:47-0700 - elll

The Obvious Answer to Homelessness

#Homelessness #Housing

The Atlantic

Rated 2023-04-18T22:01:16-0700 - elll

The 'Dead-Internet Theory' Is Wrong but Feels True

The Atlantic

Rated 2023-04-17T17:38:07-0700 - sethherr

Donald Trump and the Secret Service's Day of Reckoning

The Atlantic

Rated 2023-03-19T15:12:24-0700 - Jaog

A cognitive revolution in animal-behavior research has begun

The Atlantic

Rated 2023-03-19T08:26:57-0700 - Jaog