Ratings by sethherr

2 Matching Ratings

Rated Article

Vaclav Smil and the Value of Doubt

David Owen interviews the author and scientist Vaclav Smil, whose books on environmental issues include “Size: How It Explains the World” and “How the World Really Works.” #Climate Change #Environmentalism #Renewable energy #Science

2024-02-20T03:00:00-0800 The New Yorker David Owen 4,000 words

Rated 2024-03-19T22:44:49-0700

Burning Man’s climate protesters have a point

Building a temporary city of 80,000 people in the desert is actually bad for the planet, the climate protesters said. #Burning Man #Culture #Environmentalism #Technology

2023-08-30T08:45:00-0700 Vox Adam Clark Estes 2,000 words

Rated 2023-08-30T15:17:46-0700