Ratings by sethherr

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‘The Justins’ seem like Civil Rights-era throwbacks. But 2023 isn’t 1968.

The two young Tennessee legislators gained a national platform after being expelled. How will their mix of religion and politics fly?

2023-08-03T03:00:44-0700 The Washington Post Michelle Boorstein ($) 3,000 words

Rated 2023-08-03T07:54:26-0700

Seiichi Morimura, who exposed Japanese atrocities in WWII, dies at 90

Mr. Morimura's book about Unit 731, a secret biological warfare branch of the Imperial Army, helped force Japan to confront its wartime past.

2023-07-27T15:44:36-0700 The Washington Post Emily Langer ($) 1,000 words

Rated 2023-07-28T11:17:49-0700

Firing of gay Catholic school teacher could test latest Supreme Court ruling

A substitute drama teacher in North Carolina sued after being fired for marrying his partner; the school says such discrimination is allowed.

2023-07-11T07:30:12-0700 The Washington Post Rachel Weiner ($) 200 words

Rated 2023-07-13T21:00:03-0700

Analysis | Do blue-state taxes really subsidize red-state benefits?

In honor of our first anniversary, we turn our powers of analysis on you, the reader, to identify -- and answer! -- the question you are most eager to ask.

2023-07-07T02:54:43-0700 The Washington Post Andrew Van Dam, Linda Chong ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-07-10T19:15:32-0700