Ratings by Jaog

16 Matching Ratings

Rated Article

Quad City, Old Forge, jumbo slice and more quirky American pizzas

You might not have heard of these pizza styles, but they're iconic to some.

2023-08-31T04:00:35-0700 The Washington Post Emily Heil ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-08-31T06:35:03-0700

This whale may be the largest animal ever. We have no idea how it got that big.

A newly discovered extinct whale called P. colossus is challenging the blue whale for the title of heaviest animal to ever exist.

2023-08-02T08:00:00-0700 The Washington Post Dino Grandoni ($) 1,000 words

Rated 2023-08-03T09:21:52-0700

Republicans want to plant a trillion trees. Scientists are skeptical.

New research finds that planting a trillion trees would have a minimal effect on combating climate change.

2023-08-02T03:00:00-0700 The Washington Post Maxine Joselow ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-08-03T09:17:10-0700

Seiichi Morimura, who exposed Japanese atrocities in WWII, dies at 90

Mr. Morimura's book about Unit 731, a secret biological warfare branch of the Imperial Army, helped force Japan to confront its wartime past.

2023-07-27T15:44:36-0700 The Washington Post Emily Langer ($) 1,000 words

Rated 2023-07-28T03:43:18-0700

Firing of gay Catholic school teacher could test latest Supreme Court ruling

A substitute drama teacher in North Carolina sued after being fired for marrying his partner; the school says such discrimination is allowed.

2023-07-11T07:30:12-0700 The Washington Post Rachel Weiner ($) 200 words

Rated 2023-07-12T01:19:00-0700

See what it’s like to dig a tunnel 100 feet below a city

A massive drill is digging a tunnel deep beneath Alexandria that will keep millions of gallons of raw sewage from seeping into the Potomac River.

2023-07-07T03:00:17-0700 The Washington Post Teo Armus, Hadley Green, Bill O’Leary, Ricky Carioti ... ($) 1,000 words

Rated 2023-07-10T19:34:54-0700

Analysis | Do blue-state taxes really subsidize red-state benefits?

In honor of our first anniversary, we turn our powers of analysis on you, the reader, to identify -- and answer! -- the question you are most eager to ask.

2023-07-07T02:54:43-0700 The Washington Post Andrew Van Dam, Linda Chong ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-07-07T04:33:59-0700

Perspective | History shows moving manufacturing to North America isn’t a cure-all

The initial promise of Mexican factories in the 1960s gave way to impoverished communities and capital flight in search of higher profits. #Buy American

2023-03-06T03:00:09-0800 The Washington Post Sean Harvey ($) 1,000 words

Rated 2023-06-11T09:44:37-0700

Biden’s ‘Buy America’ bid runs into manufacturing woes it aims to fix

The “Buy America” initiative that President Biden says will promote domestic manufacturing has hit a snag: The United States no longer makes many of the items needed to modernize roads, bridges and ports. #Buy American

2023-02-18T04:00:00-0800 The Washington Post David J. Lynch ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-06-11T09:40:30-0700

Foundation for Government Accountability behind child labor law rollbacks, emails show

The Washington Post

Rated 2023-04-23T16:41:03-0700

Republicans don’t complain much about polling places at senior centers

The Washington Post

Rated 2023-04-20T18:49:10-0700

Virginia Norwood, who mapped the Earth as 'mother of Landsat,' dies at 96

The Washington Post

Rated 2023-04-01T09:07:27-0700

Trump could run for president from prison like Eugene V. Debs did

The Washington Post

Rated 2023-04-01T08:40:25-0700

Red America is growing because blue America is shrinking

The Washington Post

Rated 2023-03-30T19:07:42-0700

Florida district reviewing film 'Ruby Bridges' after parent complaint

The Washington Post

Rated 2023-03-28T05:00:50-0700

Netanyahu’s political touch eludes him as Israel spirals into chaos

The Washington Post

Rated 2023-03-26T07:21:59-0700