Ratings by estew

2 Matching Ratings

Rated Article

Racing to Land, or Crash, on the Moon

Six decades of crashes, belly flops and hard landings on the lunar surface. #NASA #Russian lunar lander #Space

2023-08-22T14:48:00-0700 The New York Times Jonathan Corum ($) 500 words

Rated 2023-08-22T15:49:51-0700

Russia’s Lunar Lander Crashes Into the Moon

The robotic Luna-25 spacecraft appeared to have “ceased its existence” after a failed orbital adjustment, the space agency Roscosmos said. #Russian lunar lander #Space

2023-08-20T02:29:24-0700 The New York Times Kenneth Chang, Alina Lobzina, Anton Troianovski ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-08-22T15:49:24-0700