
3 Matching Ratings

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Opinion | The ‘Blood Bath’ Battle and the Electric Car War

Does President Biden expect to win on a Jan. 6 strategy alone? #Donald Trump #Joe Biden #US Politics

2024-03-23T04:00:22-0700 The New York Times Ross Douthat ($) 1,000 words

Rated 2024-04-22T23:55:55-0700 - sethherr

Arnold Schwarzenegger Is Here to Pump You Up (Emotionally)

“The more powerful you are,” says the action icon, author of a new self-help book, “the more power you have in giving back.” #2020 Election #Comedy #Donald Trump

2023-10-01T02:01:02-0700 The New York Times David Marchese ($) 5,000 words

Rated 2023-10-01T19:36:20-0700 - sethherr

Why Did the Obamas Fail to Take On Corporate Agriculture?

Activists hoped President Obama would fight for stronger regulation. Eight years later, they’re still waiting. #Agriculture #Barack Obama #Fast Food #Food & drink

2016-10-05T01:55:45-0700 The New York Times Michael Pollan ($) 6,000 words

Rated 2023-05-15T22:27:38-0700 - sethherr