
4 Matching Ratings

Rated Article

Scrabble, Anonymous

“As was the case with alcohol, my first and last thoughts of the day are usually Scrabble related (RELATED anagrams: ALTERED, REDEALT, ALERTED, TREADLE).”

2024-05-15T13:03:37-0700 The Paris Review Brad Phillips 3,000 words

Rated 2024-05-20T10:24:34-0700 - sethherr

Invisible Ink: At the CIA’s Creative Writing Group

"When an organization has, say, financed the overthrow of the government of Guatemala, you would think there might be a speaking fee."

2024-01-09T12:20:45-0800 The Paris Review Johannes Lichtman 3,000 words

Rated 2024-01-10T19:12:25-0800 - sethherr

The Paris Review - The Crane Wife

The Paris Review

Rated 2023-04-14T05:13:19-0700 - cindy Rated 2023-04-13T23:28:56-0700 - sethherr