
3 Matching Ratings

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One year old, US climate law is already turbocharging clean energy technology

Excessive heat continues to bear down on sections of the US, a reminder of the impetus for the The Inflation Reduction Act, the significant climate legislation that turns one year old on August 16. #Business #Canada #China #Climate Change #Europe #Inflation Reduction Act #Renewable energy

2023-07-23 AP News ISABELLA O'MALLEY, MICHAEL PHILLIS 2,000 words

Rated 2023-08-23 - estew

Is It Hot Enough Yet for Politicians to Take Real Action?

Bill McKibben writes on the recent temperature records set amid a global heat wave, on a global cascade of climate-change-related floods and disasters, and the lack of political will in Canada and the U.S. to take on the needed confrontation of oil and gas interests. #Canada #Climate Change #Global Warming #Wildfire

2023-07-11 The New Yorker Bill McKibben 2,000 words

Rated 2023-07-12 - sethherr Rated 2023-07-12 - Jaog