Ratings by sethherr

5 Matching Ratings

Rated Article

The Chip Titan Whose Life’s Work Is at the Center of a Tech Cold War

At 92, Morris Chang, the founder of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, can no longer stay in the shadows. #Apple #Artificial Intelligence #China #Politics

2023-08-04T02:01:01-0700 The New York Times Paul Mozur, John Liu ($) 4,000 words

Rated 2023-08-13T10:29:54-0700

A New Frontier for Travel Scammers: A.I.-Generated Guidebooks

Shoddy guidebooks are flooding Amazon. Their authors claim to be renowned travel writers, but are they A.I. inventions? And how big is the problem? #Amazon #Artificial Intelligence #Books #Fraud

2023-08-05T02:00:09-0700 The New York Times Seth Kugel, Stephen Hiltner ($) 3,000 words

Rated 2023-08-07T19:19:07-0700

The End of the Magic World’s 50-Year Grudge

In 1973, Uri Geller claimed to bend metal with his mind on live television. Skeptics couldn’t beat him. Now they’ve joined him. #Artificial Intelligence #Britain #Celebrity #Israel #Magic

2023-07-08T02:00:42-0700 The New York Times David Segal ($) 4,000 words

Rated 2023-07-21T10:37:17-0700

Wikipedia’s Moment of Truth

Can the online encyclopedia help teach A.I. chatbots to get their facts right — without destroying itself in the process? #Artificial Intelligence #Google #Reddit

2023-07-18T02:00:21-0700 The New York Times Jon Gertner ($) 7,000 words

Rated 2023-07-20T18:40:22-0700

California Builds the Future, for Good and Bad. What’s Next?

From reparations to tax revolts, the Golden State tries out new ideas all the time. What roads will its latest experiments send us down? #Artificial Intelligence #California #Immigration #Politics

2023-05-30T01:55:07-0700 The New York Times Laila Lalami ($) 3,000 words

Rated 2023-05-30T09:15:50-0700