Ratings by elll

16 Matching Ratings

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Diseconomies of scale in fraud, spam, support, and moderation


Rated 2024-02-21T10:59:46-0800

My Notes on GitLab Postgres Schema Design

I spent some time going over the Postgres schema of Gitlab. GitLab is an alternative to Github. You can self host GitLab since it is an open source DevOps platform. My motivation to understand the schema of a big project like Gitlab was to compare it against schemas I am designing and learn some best…

2022-07-08T09:16:11-0700 Shekhar Gulati 6,000 words

Rated 2024-02-21T10:59:33-0800

How the illegal harvesting of giant trees in California shines a light on rural poverty

Danny Garcia hoped to flee the life of poverty and crime that led him to poach wood from national park land. But the circle of violence was inescapable

2023-09-12T05:00:29-0700 The Guardian Guardian staff reporter 3,000 words

Rated 2023-09-20T13:40:11-0700

People would rather be electrically shocked than left alone with their thoughts

Human mind may be wired to find inner reflection unbearable

science.org 1,000 words

Rated 2023-07-31T14:08:06-0700

The $1 billion gamble to ensure AI doesn’t destroy humanity

The founders of Anthropic left OpenAI to make a safe AI company. It’s easier said than done. #Artificial Intelligence #Technology

2023-07-17T03:00:00-0700 Vox Dylan Matthews 7,000 words

Rated 2023-07-23T11:42:19-0700

Rad Power Bikes is pulling out of Europe to focus on US e-bike sales

Rad Power Bikes is shutting down its Europe and UK operations to focus on US e-bike sales. The company will lay off 40 people, its fifth round of layoffs in recent years.

2023-07-10T01:00:00-0700 The Verge Andrew J. Hawkins 1,000 words

Rated 2023-07-12T09:05:26-0700

🎧 #137: Jigar Shah wants to fund your Virtual Power Plant

"We pay $10 billion per year for balancing the grid using natural gas, peaker plants, etc. when we could be paying that to households for those services instead."

Nexus Labs 10,000 words

Rated 2023-07-12T08:33:53-0700

See what it’s like to dig a tunnel 100 feet below a city

A massive drill is digging a tunnel deep beneath Alexandria that will keep millions of gallons of raw sewage from seeping into the Potomac River.

2023-07-07T03:00:17-0700 The Washington Post Teo Armus, Hadley Green, Bill O’Leary, Ricky Carioti ... ($) 1,000 words

Rated 2023-07-11T16:07:30-0700

'There's No Such Thing As Cold, Hard Reality': Meet The Hyperloop's Truest Believers

GOLDEN, Colo.—Shortly after arriving at the Global Hyperloop Conference, Brad Swartzwelter looked me in the eye and issued himself a challenge. “If I haven’t convinced you by the end of this conference that Hyperloop is the most glorious transportation opportunity of our time, then I’ve failed.”

2019-09-09T08:55:00-0700 Jalopnik Aaron Gordon 4,000 words

Rated 2023-07-07T20:13:06-0700

The Long Road to Public Transit Recovery

With Ridership Down 30+%, Agencies Must Adapt or Risk Collapse #Economy #Politics

2023-06-29T15:00:00-0700 Statecraft by Arman Madani Arman Madani 1,000 words

Rated 2023-06-29T17:51:59-0700

Why Is Narendra Modi So Popular? Tune In to Find Out.

The Indian leader, who visits Washington this week, has softened his image at home with an old-fashioned radio show, which feeds a vast social media apparatus. #India #Radio #Social Media

2023-06-20T23:18:15-0700 The New York Times Mujib Mashal ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-06-21T16:53:36-0700

Lessons From a Renters’ Utopia

Worldwide, housing has become a nightmare of expense and speculation. What did Vienna do right? #Housing #Real Estate

2023-05-23T01:20:41-0700 The New York Times Francesca Mari, Luca Locatelli ($) 7,000 words

Rated 2023-06-12T16:01:56-0700

Does too much pornography numb us to sexual pleasure? | Aeon Essays

Critics say that porn degrades women, dulls sexual pleasure, and ruins authentic relationships – are they right?

2015-06-22T00:00:00-0700 Aeon Magazine Maria Konnikova 4,000 words

Rated 2023-06-01T23:42:02-0700

Load Balancing

A bottom-up, animated guide to HTTP load balancing algorithms.

samwho.dev 2,000 words

Rated 2023-05-22T10:00:59-0700

How the Private Sector Is Shaping the Future of Nuclear Energy

Last week’s groundbreaking approval of the first-ever commercial small modular reactor in the United States fits a wider trend of private-sector leadership on nuclear innovation. We should strive to harness this further, and to remain optimistic about the future of nuclear energy in America.

2020-09-16T03:30:59-0700 National Review Christopher Barnard ($) 10,000 words

Rated 2023-05-01T11:46:20-0700

Richard Walter, the ‘Living Sherlock Holmes,’ Was a Fraud


Rated 2023-04-19T11:35:56-0700