Ratings by sethherr

2 Matching Ratings

Rated Article

Rethinking the Liberation Pledge (Eva Hamer) — EA Forum

This article is a really interesting example of people in a prosocial movement trying radical tactics and then changing their minds. I'm not sure the…

2023-09-03T11:44:53-0700 forum.effectivealtruism.org Aaron Gertler 4,000 words

Rated 2023-10-12T18:31:44-0700

Should we buy coal mines? — EA Forum

At Effective Altruism Global, Will MacAskill proposed the idea of buying a coal mine in order to keep coal in the ground, as a potential longtermist…

2022-05-04T00:28:33-0700 forum.effectivealtruism.org John G. Halstead 6,000 words

Rated 2023-09-11T07:39:54-0700