
2 Matching Ratings

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How Montreal Built a Blueprint for Bargain Rapid Transit

At $139 million per mile, the REM is far less costly than similar recent projects. Cities with ballooning transit budgets can learn from its approach. #Business #City #Government #Infrastructure #Los Angeles #New York

2023-10-30T06:00:16-0700 Bloomberg 3,000 words

Rated 2023-11-05T22:46:59-0800 - sethherr

Reclaiming Real American Patriotism

This Fourth of July, let’s rescue our love of country from those who have hijacked it. #New Hampshire #New York #West Virginia

2023-07-04T04:00:00-0700 The Atlantic Tom Nichols ($) 500 words

Rated 2023-07-04T09:32:34-0700 - Jaog