
5 Matching Ratings

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At Penn, Tensions May Only Be Growing After Magill’s Resignation

Professors at the University of Pennsylvania have begun to organize, fearing what they view as a plan by the billionaire Marc Rowan to upend academic freedom. #College

2024-01-29T09:20:18-0800 The New York Times Stephanie Saul ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2024-01-29T19:12:22-0800 - sethherr

‘America Is Under Attack’: Inside the Anti-D.E.I. Crusade

The backlash against “wokeism” has led a growing number of states to ban D.E.I. programs at public universities. Thousands of emails and other documents reveal the playbook — and grievances — behind one strand of the anti-D.E.I. campaign. #College #Texas

2024-01-20T13:35:53-0800 The New York Times Nicholas Confessore ($) 7,000 words

Rated 2024-01-22T18:03:33-0800 - sethherr

Opinion | What the University Presidents Got Right and Wrong About Antisemitic Speech

The proper response to censorship is not more censorship. #Censorship #College #Harvard

2023-12-10T06:00:05-0800 The New York Times David French ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-12-10T15:08:15-0800 - sethherr

The Talk: Accused of Plagiarism

In an excerpt from his forthcoming book, “The Talk,” Darrin Bell illustrates a conversation with a professor at U.C. Berkeley who accused him, without evidence, of plagiarism. #College

2023-06-03T03:00:00-0700 The New Yorker Darrin Bell 200 words

Rated 2023-06-04T07:23:39-0700 - sethherr Rated 2023-06-03T15:57:45-0700 - Jaog