
356 Matching Ratings

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Practically-A-Book Review: Rootclaim $100,000 Lab Leak Debate

I watched 15 hours of COVID origins arguments so you don't have to - but you should!

2024-03-28T04:24:57-0700 astralcodexten.com Scott Alexander 105,000 words

Rated 2024-03-30T20:49:37-0700 - sethherr

How Israel turned homeowners into YIMBYs

Homeowners are often the biggest opponents of building new homes. An Israeli reform reversed this by making homeowners the main beneficiaries of development.

2024-02-16T05:30:44-0800 Works in Progress 6,000 words

Rated 2024-03-20T07:50:46-0700 - sethherr

Using axis lines for good or evil

add them only if they mean something

2024-02-29T09:00:41-0800 Dynomight Internet Newsletter dynomight 1,000 words

Rated 2024-03-19T23:20:50-0700 - sethherr

Less Utilitarian Than Thou


2024-02-27T21:03:18-0800 astralcodexten.com Scott Alexander 65,000 words

Rated 2024-03-19T23:08:24-0700 - sethherr

Vaclav Smil and the Value of Doubt

David Owen interviews the author and scientist Vaclav Smil, whose books on environmental issues include “Size: How It Explains the World” and “How the World Really Works.” #Climate Change #Environmentalism #Renewable energy #Science

2024-02-20T03:00:00-0800 The New Yorker David Owen 4,000 words

Rated 2024-03-19T22:44:49-0700 - sethherr

TinyLetter had a big moment

On February 29th, 2024, Mailchimp shuttered TinyLetter, a simple email service that attracted a number of personal and experimental writers in the mid-‘10s.

2024-02-29T06:00:00-0800 The Verge Kevin Nguyen 3,000 words

Rated 2024-03-19T22:27:14-0700 - sethherr

Lies, Damned Lies, and Manometer Readings—Asterisk

America’s HVAC labor force is plagued by dishonesty and frequently incapable of meeting industry standards. Interventions in indoor air quality are the next frontier in pandemic prevention — but are they up to the task?

asteriskmag.com 3,000 words

Rated 2024-03-19T07:13:01-0700 - sethherr

Driving at ridiculous speeds should be physically impossible

Intelligent Speed Assistance, a type of speed-limiting tech, is being tested in New York, DC, and Europe. But will it take off?

2024-03-01T04:00:00-0800 Vox David Zipper 1,000 words

Rated 2024-03-18T23:20:59-0700 - sethherr

Diseconomies of scale in fraud, spam, support, and moderation


Rated 2024-03-18T22:49:24-0700 - sethherr Rated 2024-02-21T10:59:46-0800 - elll

40 years of programming


Rated 2024-03-12T16:12:19-0700 - sethherr

Berkeley's Upzoning Would Be Among Nation's Largest

A proposal to end exclusionary zoning would allow for 100,000 more homes in Berkeley's neighborhoods.

2024-02-17T07:02:03-0800 The Discourse Lounge Darrell Owens 3,000 words

Rated 2024-02-17T21:20:37-0800 - sethherr

Paying people to work on open source is good actually - Jacob Kaplan-Moss

If you have a problem with maintainers getting paid then you have a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate.

jacobian.org 2,000 words

Rated 2024-02-16T20:44:56-0800 - sethherr

Taste games

or why I avoid midrange beer

2024-02-15T09:01:14-0800 Dynomight Internet Newsletter dynomight 3,000 words

Rated 2024-02-15T20:46:06-0800 - sethherr

Activists vow to keep installing guerrilla benches at East Bay bus stops

Berkeley has replaced one DIY bench with a city-approved one. A pair of activists have added at least four more wood benches in the East Bay. #Transportation

2024-01-12T16:30:00-0800 Berkeleyside Iris Kwok 2,000 words

Rated 2024-02-11T21:22:54-0800 - sethherr

Jacques on X: "Sharing a long, but insightful comment @Gwern made in response to the question: "EA had a pretty weak hand throughout and played it as well as can be reasonably expected"? Gwern: It was a pretty weak hand. There is this pervasive attitude that Sam Altman could have been…" / X

X (formerly Twitter) 1,000 words

Rated 2024-02-11T13:27:12-0800 - sethherr

How to hire low experience, high potential people

Finding diamonds in the rough

2024-01-26T20:51:43-0800 Working Assumptions Tara Seshan 2,000 words

Rated 2024-02-07T19:06:32-0800 - sethherr

At Penn, Tensions May Only Be Growing After Magill’s Resignation

Professors at the University of Pennsylvania have begun to organize, fearing what they view as a plan by the billionaire Marc Rowan to upend academic freedom. #College

2024-01-29T09:20:18-0800 The New York Times Stephanie Saul ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2024-01-29T19:12:22-0800 - sethherr

On “owning” software

When it comes to services supporting software teams, ownership is expensive.

2024-01-24T14:01:57-0800 avdi.codes Avdi Grimm 4,000 words

Rated 2024-01-27T09:05:57-0800 - sethherr

Driving Faster Takes Longer

I often drive between Boston and New Haven. While on the road, I find myself pondering a simple question: If my only goal is to arrive as fast as possible, how fast should I drive? Ignoring things like ethics (or fuel efficiency), the solution would seem to be simple. Drive as fast as possible. But there's a…

2024-01-27T07:17:18-0800 Algorithm Soup 1,000 words

Rated 2024-01-27T09:04:40-0800 - sethherr

Sex, aggression, and humour: responses to unicycling

Sam Shuster compares men and women’s responses to the sight of a unicyclist

2007-12-22T00:00:00-0800 PubMed Central (PMC) 3,000 words

Rated 2024-01-23T08:45:59-0800 - sethherr

‘America Is Under Attack’: Inside the Anti-D.E.I. Crusade

The backlash against “wokeism” has led a growing number of states to ban D.E.I. programs at public universities. Thousands of emails and other documents reveal the playbook — and grievances — behind one strand of the anti-D.E.I. campaign. #College #Texas

2024-01-20T13:35:53-0800 The New York Times Nicholas Confessore ($) 7,000 words

Rated 2024-01-22T18:03:33-0800 - sethherr

Should I Open Source my Company?

The unexpected upsides of building in public

2022-03-25T00:00:00-0700 Supabase https://github.com/awalias 2,000 words

Rated 2024-01-22T11:52:50-0800 - sethherr

Book Review: What's Our Problem?


2023-02-22T20:05:18-0800 astralcodexten.com Scott Alexander ($) 30,000 words

Rated 2024-01-21T20:37:59-0800 - sethherr

The Quiet Death of Ello's Big Dreams

Ello launched in 2014 with big dreams, but the artsy social network suddenly shut down last year, deleting nine years of posts without warning. What happened?

2024-01-18T08:23:10-0800 Waxy.org Andy Baio 6,000 words

Rated 2024-01-18T17:29:42-0800 - sethherr

Pinker was right, I was wrong. | Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science


Rated 2024-01-18T08:18:59-0800 - crkrenn Rated 2024-01-14T08:42:35-0800 - sethherr

Opinion | Look What We Made Taylor Swift Do

Whether she is conscious of it or not, Ms. Swift signals to queer people — in our language — that she has some affinity for queer identity. #Celebrity #Country Music

2024-01-04T02:01:26-0800 The New York Times Anna Marks ($) 5,000 words

Rated 2024-01-09T22:03:34-0800 - sethherr

The reality of the Danish fairytale

Denmark has long ranked high on the list of societies that American liberals dream about turning the United States into. And for many good reasons. Education is state-funded, and students are even paid a stipend to go to university. Health care is equally free of individual charge, and there’s generally a robust social safety net for u...

world.hey.com 2,000 words

Rated 2024-01-06T23:17:15-0800 - sethherr

The Christian Science Monitor Daily for January 4, 2024

Rethink the news: Reducing news to hard lines and side-taking leaves a lot of the story untold. Progress comes from challenging what we hear and considering different views.

2024-01-03T21:00:00-0800 The Christian Science Monitor ($) 5,000 words

Rated 2024-01-05T13:14:00-0800 - sethherr

A Grand Unified Theory of Why Elon Musk Is So Unfunny

Elon Musk's terrible sense of humor: a theory of how the Tesla and Twitter CEO became obsessed with proving that he's funny.

2023-04-13T08:58:53-0700 Rolling Stone Miles Klee ($) 200 words

Rated 2023-12-30T13:12:05-0800 - elll

Everything you ever wanted to know about car bloat


Rated 2023-12-19T08:49:28-0800 - sethherr

Why Dumb Ideas Capture Smart and Successful People

Intelligent individuals are better at understanding the reputational consequences of their beliefs

2023-11-19T03:00:57-0800 Rob Henderson's Newsletter Rob Henderson 3,000 words

Rated 2023-12-17T23:15:24-0800 - sethherr

Giant food companies are quietly ruining your favorite snacks — and hoping you don't notice

From Coke to Nutella, your favorite treats are being ruined by a sneaky ploy known as 'flavorflation.' #Economy #Food & drink #Retail

2023-12-12T02:52:01-0800 Insider Jairaj Devadiga ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-12-14T11:24:05-0800 - sethherr

What’s on the Menu When Your Cat Goes Out? Probably More Than You Think.

Free-ranging cats hunt or scavenge more than 2,000 species, some of them imperiled, according to a new study. #Birds #Endangered Species

2023-12-12T08:03:28-0800 The New York Times Catrin Einhorn ($) 1,000 words

Rated 2023-12-12T20:52:14-0800 - sethherr

Why Are So Many American Pedestrians Dying at Night?

Nothing resembling this pattern has occurred in other comparably wealthy countries. #Cars #Poverty

2023-12-11T00:00:01-0800 The New York Times Emily Badger, Ben Blatt, Josh Katz ($) 3,000 words

Rated 2023-12-12T08:09:34-0800 - sethherr

Ego killed the empowered product team

Everyone wants to build empowered product teams. There's one huge obstacle in the way -- your boss's ego. Here's how to overcome it.

2023-12-10T19:09:00-0800 Jeff Gothelf 1,000 words

Rated 2023-12-11T08:23:49-0800 - sethherr

Opinion | What the University Presidents Got Right and Wrong About Antisemitic Speech

The proper response to censorship is not more censorship. #Censorship #College #Harvard

2023-12-10T06:00:05-0800 The New York Times David French ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-12-10T15:08:15-0800 - sethherr

Most Asian Americans say they face discrimination and are often treated as foreigners

In a Pew survey, Asian Americans reported facing the "model minority" stereotype, which assumes they're smarter and more well off, as well as being treated as outsiders even if they were U.S. born.

2023-11-30T12:06:04-0800 NPR Ayana Archie 1,000 words

Rated 2023-12-03T06:26:39-0800 - Jaog

The Philosophical And Moral Incoherence of “How Dare You Walk Out Of My Speech”

“Cancel Culture” Has Victims, But You’re Probably Not One Of Them

2022-08-14T12:47:01-0700 The Popehat Report Ken White 2,000 words

Rated 2023-11-20T20:40:47-0800 - sethherr

My Free Speech Means You Have To Shut Up

Elon Musk and The Enduring Appeal of “Criticism is Censorship”

2023-11-19T19:11:56-0800 The Popehat Report Ken White 1,000 words

Rated 2023-11-20T20:02:40-0800 - sethherr

</> htmx ~ Why I Tend Not To Use Content Negotiation

htmx.org 1,000 words

Rated 2023-11-19T17:12:47-0800 - sethherr

The FCC Is Trying To Stop Discrimination In Broadband Deployment. Telecoms And Republicans Are Big Mad About It

For decades, big ISPs like AT&T have refused to upgrade low income and poor communities to fiber, despite billions in subsidies, regulatory favors, and tax breaks that were supposed to accomplish precisely that. Groups like the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) have released studies on cities like Cleveland and Detroit, documenting how this discrimination lines…

2023-11-17T05:24:01-0800 Techdirt 3,000 words

Rated 2023-11-17T07:37:44-0800 - sethherr

The night train revolution has been hailed as an alternative to airplanes. Here’s how that’s going

Night trains have been making a resurgence across Europe after decades of decline, raising the prospect of more sustainable ways of criss-crossing the continent as travelers look to find alternatives to flying.

2023-11-11T22:00:03-0800 CNN Ben Jones 2,000 words

Rated 2023-11-17T07:34:10-0800 - sethherr

Why we can’t build

America’s inability to build is killing people. #Politics

2020-04-22T05:50:00-0700 Vox Ezra Klein 2,000 words

Rated 2023-11-16T07:59:09-0800 - sethherr

The ‘Georgists’ Are Out There, and They Want to Tax Your Land

Amid a crisis in affordable housing, the century-old ideas of Henry George have gained a new currency. #Detroit #Housing #Real Estate #Urban Planning

2023-11-12T00:00:52-0800 The New York Times Conor Dougherty ($) 3,000 words

Rated 2023-11-14T07:52:48-0800 - sethherr

A Coder Considers the Waning Days of the Craft

James Somers, a professional coder, writes about the astonishing scripting skills of A.I. chatbots like GPT-4 and considers the future of a once exalted craft.

2023-11-13T03:00:00-0800 The New Yorker James Somers 4,000 words

Rated 2023-11-13T20:43:44-0800 - sethherr



Rated 2023-11-08T17:42:10-0800 - sethherr

How Montreal Built a Blueprint for Bargain Rapid Transit

At $139 million per mile, the REM is far less costly than similar recent projects. Cities with ballooning transit budgets can learn from its approach. #Business #City #Government #Infrastructure #Los Angeles #New York

2023-10-30T06:00:16-0700 Bloomberg 3,000 words

Rated 2023-11-05T22:46:59-0800 - sethherr

China’s Age of Malaise

Party officials are vanishing, young workers are “lying flat,” and entrepreneurs are fleeing the country. What does China’s inner turmoil mean for the world? Evan Osnos reports.

2023-10-23T03:00:00-0700 The New Yorker Evan Osnos 9,000 words

Rated 2023-11-01T08:11:05-0700 - sethherr