Ratings by cindy

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Rated Article

America Is Using Up Its Groundwater Like There’s No Tomorrow

Unchecked overuse is draining and damaging aquifers nationwide, a data investigation by the New York Times revealed, threatening millions of people and America’s status as a food superpower. #Agriculture #Climate Change #Global Warming #Water

2023-08-28T14:19:48-0700 The New York Times Mira Rojanasakul, Christopher Flavelle, Blacki Migliozzi, ... ($) 5,000 words

Rated 2023-09-25T11:15:51-0700

Small modular reactors produce high levels of nuclear waste

Small modular reactors, long touted as the future of nuclear energy, will actually generate more radioactive waste than conventional nuclear power plants, according to research from Stanford and the University of British Columbia. #Climate Change #Infrastructure

2022-05-30T12:00:11-0700 Stanford News Stanford University 1,000 words

Rated 2023-04-27T10:28:12-0700