Ratings by sethherr

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Opinion | Look What We Made Taylor Swift Do

Whether she is conscious of it or not, Ms. Swift signals to queer people — in our language — that she has some affinity for queer identity. #Celebrity #Country Music

2024-01-04T02:01:26-0800 The New York Times Anna Marks ($) 5,000 words

Rated 2024-01-09T22:03:34-0800

The End of the Magic World’s 50-Year Grudge

In 1973, Uri Geller claimed to bend metal with his mind on live television. Skeptics couldn’t beat him. Now they’ve joined him. #Artificial Intelligence #Britain #Celebrity #Israel #Magic

2023-07-08T02:00:42-0700 The New York Times David Segal ($) 4,000 words

Rated 2023-07-21T10:37:17-0700