
2 Matching Ratings

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Opinion | Partisan Politics Put a Huge Win for Public Health at Risk

The loss of support for an AIDS relief program would signal to the rest of the world that it could no longer rely on the U.S. to defend its biggest accomplishments as a leader in global health. #Abortion #Congress #George W. Bush #Joe Biden #US Politics

2023-09-01T12:00:10-0700 The New York Times The Editorial Board ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-09-02T08:37:53-0700 - sethherr

A year after Dobbs decision, Texas has settled in to a post-abortion reality

The impact of Texas’ near-total ban on abortion is coming into focus as patients and providers leave the state, legal challenges languish and the state’s social safety net braces for a baby boom. #Abortion #Health Care

2023-06-23T03:00:00-0700 The Texas Tribune Eleanor Klibanoff 3,000 words

Rated 2023-06-23T16:46:32-0700 - &e