
629 Matching Ratings

Rated Article

The Ugly Truth Behind “We Buy Ugly Houses”


Rated 2023-05-11T22:16:37-0700 - sethherr

The Supreme Court rediscovers humility — in a case about pigs

The justices just did something very unusual: They didn’t try to make themselves even more powerful. #Politics #Supreme Court

2023-05-11T10:55:00-0700 Vox Ian Millhiser 2,000 words

Rated 2023-05-11T19:07:08-0700 - Jaog

Nora Ephron: On Maintenance

She knows time marches on, she just doesn't want it marching on her. How far will one woman go to keep up appearences? Nora Ephron shares her own maintenance routine. #Writer

2011-04-29T03:55:00-0700 Oprah.com By Nora Ephron 5,000 words

Rated 2023-05-11T17:48:08-0700 - elll

We’ve Had a Cheaper, More Potent Ozempic Alternative for Decades

New weight-loss drugs are getting all the hype, but bariatric surgery is still the “gold standard” for treating obesity. #Individual People #Obesity #Surgery

2023-04-25T14:21:00-0700 The Atlantic Yasmin Tayag ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-05-09T07:29:05-0700 - sethherr

9 Ways to Imagine Jeff Bezos’ Wealth (Published 2022)

A fortune of $172 billion is almost impossible to fathom. For the magazine’s Money Issue, the artist Mona Chalabi came up with some extremely original comparisons.

2022-04-07T06:21:21-0700 The New York Times Mona Chalabi ($) 1,000 words

Rated 2023-05-08T21:04:56-0700 - sethherr Rated 2023-05-08T17:17:07-0700 - jim

The Painter Who Inspired a New Ballet

For Christopher Wheeldon’s return to New York City Ballet, he asked the artist Kylie Manning not just for backdrops and costumes but to, as he says, “form a dance within her world.”

2023-05-03T11:31:35-0700 The New York Times Ella Riley-Adams ($) 1,000 words

Rated 2023-05-05T18:42:33-0700 - cindy

A few words on Ruby's type annotations state

...that were written in a military training camp and accidentally grew to 5k words

zverok.space 5,000 words

Rated 2023-05-05T14:45:30-0700 - sethherr

Why has nuclear power been a flop?

Nuclear is expensive, but it should be cheap #Nuclear power

2021-04-16T02:18:28-0700 The Roots of Progress 5,000 words

Rated 2023-05-05T14:06:16-0700 - sethherr

Book Review: From Oversight To Overkill


2023-04-11T17:08:25-0700 Astral Codex Ten Scott Alexander 60,000 words

Rated 2023-05-05T13:38:34-0700 - sethherr

Income and emotional well-being: A conflict resolved

Do larger incomes make people happier? Two authors of the present paper have published contradictory answers. Using dichotomous questions about the...

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 5,000 words

Rated 2023-05-04T23:56:49-0700 - sethherr

United States of America

This is Earth.Org's profile of the climate change vulnerabilities, updated emissions pledges and environmental policies by sector of the United States.

Earth.Org 2,000 words

Rated 2023-05-04T23:27:36-0700 - sethherr Rated 2023-05-04T06:22:29-0700 - cindy

As nuclear waste piles up, scientists seek the best long-term storage solutions

Researchers study and model corrosion in the materials proposed for locking away the hazardous waste

1970-08-22T12:12:10-0700 American Chemical Society Mitch Jacoby 3,000 words

Rated 2023-05-04T09:39:37-0700 - cindy

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy

In the race to net-zero carbon emissions, should nations rely on nuclear power or should they make space for more fossil fuels and renewable energy?

2023-01-27T17:00:29-0800 Earth.Org Martina Igini 2,000 words

Rated 2023-05-04T09:34:21-0700 - cindy

The Nuclear Waste Disposal Dilemma

Nuclear waste disposal is one of the most problematic factors when discussing nuclear power. But why is it dangerous and how are countries dealing with it?

2022-09-11T17:00:51-0700 Earth.Org Martina Igini 1,000 words

Rated 2023-05-04T06:15:32-0700 - cindy

What Should America Do With Its Nuclear Waste?

Currently there are about 80 locations in 35 states where spent fuel is being stored, with no long-term plans for disposal.

2022-04-11T06:00:00-0700 The Washington Post Rebecca Tuhus-Dubrow ($) 5,000 words

Rated 2023-05-04T06:08:32-0700 - cindy

When They Warn of Rare Disorders, These Prenatal Tests Are Usually Wrong (Published 2022)

The false positives aren’t mentioned in the brochures for these blood screenings, which are sold by some of the biggest labs in the country.

2022-01-01T10:14:05-0800 The New York Times Sarah Kliff, Aatish Bhatia ($) 4,000 words

Rated 2023-05-04T05:52:56-0700 - cindy Rated 2023-05-02T21:38:38-0700 - alexandradancing

Marketing Malpractice: The Cause and the Cure

Marketing executives focus too much on ever-narrower demographic segments and ever-more-trivial product extensions. They should find out, instead, what jobs consumers need to get done. Those jobs will point the way to purposeful products—and genuine innovation.

2005-11-30T21:00:00-0800 Harvard Business Review 6,000 words

Rated 2023-05-03T16:35:38-0700 - sethherr Rated 2023-03-17T16:47:53-0700 - alexandradancing

Is nuclear power attractive or risky? In Minnesota, it’s both.

In Minnesota legislature, climate change has revived Democrats’ interest in nuclear power. But a radioactive leak has rekindled public concerns about safety.

2023-05-01T11:08:00-0700 The Christian Science Monitor Colette Davidson ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-05-03T06:31:42-0700 - jim

When Private Equity Firms Bankrupt Their Own Companies

Private equity firms can succeed when their companies, customers, and employees fail. It’s a broken system.

2023-05-01T04:00:00-0700 The Atlantic Brendan Ballou ($) 3,000 words

Rated 2023-05-02T23:35:44-0700 - sethherr

The Future of Fertility

Emily Witt on the biotech startups seeking to change human reproduction.

2023-04-17T03:00:00-0700 The New Yorker Emily Witt 6,000 words

Rated 2023-05-02T21:39:10-0700 - alexandradancing Rated 2023-05-02T10:22:02-0700 - sethherr

Would you live next to co-workers for the right price? This company is betting yes

Businesses like Cook Medical in Indiana say the housing shortage makes it harder to recruit and keep middle-income workers. Now, more companies are building places for employees to rent or even buy.

2023-05-02T02:20:10-0700 NPR Jennifer Ludden, Marisa Peñaloza 2,000 words

Rated 2023-05-02T16:13:05-0700 - sethherr

Tucker Carlson and the Right

The New Yorker

Rated 2023-05-02T12:35:45-0700 - jmjmh

A new energy source for downtown Boston: the Charles River

The owner of a Kendall Square plant is launching a project to generate steam for Boston and Cambridge by drawing water from the river that runs between them.

2023-05-01T13:10:43-0700 The Boston Globe Jon Chesto ($) 2,000 words

Rated 2023-05-02T12:31:48-0700 - jmjmh

Big Tech Sees Like a State

Plus! Pirate’s Treasure, Redux; Takedowns; Antitrust and Laggy Beliefs; Money, The High-Order Bit; More...

2020-11-06T08:32:26-0800 The Diff Byrne Hobart 4,000 words

Rated 2023-05-01T22:45:09-0700 - sethherr

How the Private Sector Is Shaping the Future of Nuclear Energy

Last week’s groundbreaking approval of the first-ever commercial small modular reactor in the United States fits a wider trend of private-sector leadership on nuclear innovation. We should strive to harness this further, and to remain optimistic about the future of nuclear energy in America.

2020-09-16T03:30:59-0700 National Review Christopher Barnard ($) 10,000 words

Rated 2023-05-01T11:46:20-0700 - elll

How Much Can Duolingo Teach Us?

Carina Chocano on the company’s founder, Luis von Ahn, who believes that artificial intelligence is going to make computers better teachers than humans.

2023-04-17T03:00:00-0700 The New Yorker Carina Chocano 6,000 words

Rated 2023-04-30T22:45:37-0700 - sethherr

It's Not Intelligent If It Always Halts: A Critical Perspective on Current Approaches to AGI

Intelligence requires the ability to explore "trains of thought" that are potentially never-ending. Most current approaches fail at this.

2023-04-05T21:06:49-0700 Life Is Computation 4,000 words

Rated 2023-04-30T22:09:01-0700 - sethherr

Meditations On Moloch

I. Allen Ginsberg’s famous poem on Moloch:What sphinx of cement and aluminum bashed open their skulls and ate up their brains and imagination? Moloch! Solitude! Filth! Ugliness! Ashcans and u…

2014-07-29T21:00:06-0700 Slate Star Codex 90,000 words

Rated 2023-04-30T12:53:41-0700 - pypurvis

Small modular reactors produce high levels of nuclear waste

Small modular reactors, long touted as the future of nuclear energy, will actually generate more radioactive waste than conventional nuclear power plants, according to research from Stanford and the University of British Columbia. #Climate Change #Infrastructure

2022-05-30T12:00:11-0700 Stanford News Stanford University 1,000 words

Rated 2023-04-30T08:05:21-0700 - sethherr Rated 2023-04-27T10:28:12-0700 - cindy

The Internet Is Just Investment Banking Now

The internet has always financialized our lives. Web3 just makes that explicit.

2022-02-04T08:19:58-0800 The Atlantic Ian Bogost ($) 6,000 words

Rated 2023-04-30T07:21:13-0700 - sethherr

Nuclear Power Today | Nuclear Energy - World Nuclear Association

Nuclear energy provides about 30% of the world's low carbon electricity. There are about 450 commercial nuclear power reactors operable in 30 countries. #Nuclear power

world nuclear 3,000 words

Rated 2023-04-28T23:06:20-0700 - sam

Tim Federle - Wikipedia

2009-05-19T01:04:49-0700 Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 3,000 words

Rated 2023-04-28T18:35:17-0700 - testerios

The Real Difference Between European and American Butter


Rated 2023-04-28T14:38:16-0700 - sethherr

Wrong door, wrong driveway: How US got to shoot first, ask later

The Christian Science Monitor

Rated 2023-04-28T07:44:35-0700 - sethherr

Opinion | I Didn’t Want It to Be True, but the Medium Really Is the Message

The New York Times

Rated 2023-04-28T05:35:52-0700 - cindy Rated 2023-04-27T22:09:11-0700 - elll

Advanced Small Modular Reactors

Advanced small modular reactors (SMRs) offer advantages such as relatively small size, reduced capital investment, ability to be sited in locations not possible for larger nuclear plants, and provisions for incremental power additions.

2019-05-14T08:27:40-0700 INL 2,000 words

Rated 2023-04-27T05:57:46-0700 - cindy

The Battle for the Soul of Buy Nothing


Rated 2023-04-27T05:48:45-0700 - cindy Rated 2023-04-26T00:03:53-0700 - sethherr

The Endless Battle to Remove Girls Do Porn Videos From Pornhub


Rated 2023-04-26T23:07:40-0700 - sethherr

Behind Pornhub’s decade-old moderation problems

The Verge

Rated 2023-04-26T22:56:57-0700 - sethherr

We Need To Decommodify Mental Health Care


Rated 2023-04-26T22:22:32-0700 - sethherr

The Unbelievable Zombie Comeback of Analog Computing


Rated 2023-04-26T07:28:14-0700 - sethherr Rated 2023-04-26T05:53:14-0700 - Jaog

Alcohol healthy: the flip-flop on whether it's good for you is to understand—if you know who's behind it.


Rated 2023-04-25T23:05:45-0700 - sethherr Rated 2023-04-25T05:05:47-0700 - cindy