Ratings by alexandradancing

4 Matching Ratings

Rated Article

A Plan to Save Downtown San Francisco, Break the Doom Loop

#Homelessness #San Francisco

The San Francisco Standard

Rated 2023-04-10T13:25:35-0700

[Letter from Minneapolis] The Sanctuary


2020-09-11T13:55:36-0700 Harper's Magazine https://harpers.org/author/wesenzinna/#author 7,000 words

Rated 2023-04-12T17:48:40-0700

The Big Potential of Karen Bass’s Homelessness Agenda


The New Yorker

Rated 2023-04-13T13:32:39-0700

What if Unhoused People Designed Their Own Homes?


Mother Jones

Rated 2023-04-14T09:42:26-0700