Ratings by elll

3 Matching Ratings

Rated Article

Is owning pets ethical? Here’s the truth about pet happiness.


Rated 2023-04-25T20:31:45-0700

The hidden force that shapes everything around us: Parking

A Q&A with Henry Grabar, author of “Paved Paradise: How Parking Explains the World.” #Politics #Transportation #Urban Planning

2023-05-09T04:30:00-0700 Vox Marin Cogan 3,000 words

Rated 2023-07-19T14:21:48-0700

The $1 billion gamble to ensure AI doesn’t destroy humanity

The founders of Anthropic left OpenAI to make a safe AI company. It’s easier said than done. #Artificial Intelligence #Technology

2023-07-17T03:00:00-0700 Vox Dylan Matthews 7,000 words

Rated 2023-07-23T11:42:19-0700