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One year old, US climate law is already turbocharging clean energy technology

Excessive heat continues to bear down on sections of the US, a reminder of the impetus for the The Inflation Reduction Act, the significant climate legislation that turns one year old on August 16. #Business #Canada #China #Climate Change #Europe #Inflation Reduction Act #Renewable energy

2023-07-23T05:11:13-0700 AP News ISABELLA O'MALLEY, MICHAEL PHILLIS 2,000 words

Rated 2023-08-23T12:15:20-0700

GOP candidates fight each other -- and mostly line up behind Trump -- at first debate

The Republican presidential candidates vying to be the leading alternative to front-runner Donald Trump fought -- sometimes bitterly – over abortion rights, U.S. support for Ukraine and the future of the party during the first primary debate of the 2024 campaign. But on what is arguably the most consequential choice facing the party, virtually all lined up behind Trump, saying they would support the former president if he is their nominee, even if he is convicted in a series of cases. It was... #2023 GOP debate #Abortion #Donald Trump #Elections #Iowa #Ukraine

2023-08-22T21:01:06-0700 AP News JILL COLVIN, SARA BURNETT, JONATHAN J. COOPER 2,000 words

Rated 2023-08-23T23:55:57-0700