
8 Matching Ratings

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Cyclists Now Outnumber Motorists In City Of London


Rated 2023-03-20T08:42:26-0700 - sethherr

Ukraine’s M-1A1 Tanks Have A Special Power: The Ability To Pinpoint Targets 8,000 Meters Away


Rated 2023-03-22T06:07:09-0700 - Jaog Rated 2023-03-23T07:36:58-0700 - sethherr

Solar Geoengineering: Why Bill Gates Wants It, But These Experts Want To Stop It

#Solar Geoengineering


Rated 2023-04-03T06:43:00-0700 - cindy

Exclusive: TikTok Confirms Some U.S. User Data Is Stored In China

TikTok has said under oath that Americans’ data has always been stored outside China. Now it’s saying there are big exceptions for creators. #China

2023-06-21T05:00:00-0700 Forbes Alexandra S. Levine 1,000 words

Rated 2023-06-23T16:47:37-0700 - &e

Social Security Fact Report: Insolvent In 2035

Every day, we voters and the government have the chance to free our children from this burden. #Social security

2023-07-31T04:00:00-0700 Forbes David John Marotta 1,000 words

Rated 2023-08-01T11:10:02-0700 - sethherr

Europe And U.S. Diverge Sharply On Treatment Of Gender Incongruence In Minors

In line with precautionary principle, introduction of treatments whose effects are either disputed or unknown should be carefully reviewed before being routinely adopted. #Transgender

2023-12-02T06:15:36-0800 Forbes Joshua Cohen 2,000 words

Rated 2023-12-02T07:40:23-0800 - Jaog Rated 2023-12-03T22:25:05-0800 - sethherr